The following new policies are now in place if you visit Lincoln Laser Skincare clinic. This is to ensure maximum safety for patients and clinic staff.
- Please do not come for your appointment if you have any of Covid19 symptoms (a new continuous cough, high temperature, loss or change of taste), or had contact with someone with symptoms in the last 14 days. Free cancelations will be honoured for all covid-related reasons.
- Screening system will take place on arrival for every patient to check temperature and current health status.
- All patients are requested to wear a face covering (mask or a scarf) on arrival and during your time in the clinic. If you don’t have a mask, it can be provided on request.
- Social distancing system is set up including one way system via a main door and exit via a side-door. Floor markings and signs are in place to respect the 2 meters distance towards others.
- Please come for your treatment alone, members of family and friends will not be allowed in the waiting rooms anymore to reduce unnecessary risks
- To minimise any contact, please do not come into the clinic if you don’t have an appointment, instead we request to please call us.